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About the Club

The Club has been organising rambles since 1911. Initially the rambles took place on Saturday afternoons round the local countryside. Later, social events were started and in 1931 Sunday rambles were introduced. From 1948 onwards, Youth Hostel weekends became popular for those wanting a break from work. In 1961 the Club issued its first Newsletter in addition to the Rambles Programme. Our membership is currently around 270.

Today, rambles are organised weekly on Saturdays, occasional Sundays, and fortnightly on Thursdays.  In the summer months, we also do Wednesday evening strolls.

All are welcome to partake in any of our walks, but walkers must be 18 years of age or over.

We aim to provide a variety of walks: some long and more challenging, others short and easy: something for everyone, which leaves plenty of time for a chat and to make new friends. All walks are pre-planned and led by a leader who carries a first aid kit. For the Saturday and Sunday walks you will need a packed lunch and a flask. Please choose sensible clothing and footwear for the prevailing season.

For more information about clothing and footwear, look on the Further Information page.

There are abundant health benefits associated with walking including strengthening your heart, lowering cholesterol, relieving stress and worry, strengthening joints and improving balance, helping to lower blood pressure and the risk of a stroke.

Please note that for safety reasons, dogs are not allowed on any of our walks.

CHA Beginnings

Click on the button below to read how it all started.

Sunday walks

Due to the falling numbers attending the Sunday walks, it was decided that the walks would be suspended  until summer 2024.  See walks program for up to date details of walks now planned.

We hire a coach for the Sunday rambles to visit areas within an 80 mile radius of Coventry. By using a coach, leaders have the freedom of organising linear or circular walks, thereby offering a very varied and interesting programme of walks. Ramblers can choose if they wish to do morning or afternoon walks or both. Walks are usually 4 to 5 miles long in the morning and a similar length in the afternoon.

At lunchtime we meet the coach for a break and pub stop, and in the afternoon, if you do not want to continue the walk there is usually an option of visiting country towns, garden centres and other places of interest nearby. We meet outside the Salvation Army building in Upper Well Street, Coventry, having already pre-booked your seat on the coach via the Coach Booking Secretary, Debbie, Contact Tel. 07 388 171 485


Saturday walks

We use public transport to reach our walks in the West Midlands and Warwickshire Counties, and sometimes in Coventry’s Green Spaces. We meet at the Information Centre in Pool Meadow Bus Station, or the Train Station concourse. Travel passes can be used on the local buses and trains. The walks are approximately 4 to 6 miles in length.

Thursday walks

In March 2016 we introduced Thursday walks once a fortnight into our rambles programme. Walkers share cars to reach the start of the walk and meet up in a village or pub car park. The walks are up to 7 miles in length. Normally the ramblers stop for a midday meal in a pub after the walk.

Wednesday Sunset strolls

On summer evenings we enjoy Wednesday Sunset Strolls which are up to 4 miles in length. They are centered around a pub and end with a well-earned meal and drink. You will need to make your own way to reach the starting point of the stroll.


Most years the Club arranges walking holidays at home and abroad. We have in the past few years visited many destinations in England, Wales, Scotland and Europe.

Social Events

Throughout the year we have  several get-togethers.  These include coffee mornings, quiz nights and barn dances.  There is usually a raffle with monies raised going to charities.

Weekend walks

The Club arranges weekend breaks during the year in England and Wales. The coach leaves outside the Salvation Army building in Upper Well Street, Coventry on a Friday evening, enabling the party to enjoy two full days rambling before returning early Sunday evening.